Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bench Shirt work

Dynamic warm up

135 x6
175 x3
195 x1

Shirt on
235 x 2 board, x 1 board
265 x1- drilled it
285 x1- good
295 x1-good, but slow lock out

So, I am hitting good numbers in my old shirt which is very fantastic.  Touches are easier than my newer shirt.  Look forward to seeing what I can do at the Open.

Chins x 6 between everything totalling 42

DB Bench                       s.s.                  Side Bends
45lbs x 10                                               70lbs x 10/side
60lbs x 10                                                70lbs x 10/side
60lbs x 10                                                   "     x 8/side

                                     Dips x 10/set

My hands were mangled this whole session.  I wanted to get a couple more sets of chins in, but my hands wouldn't go for it.

Quote of the day:   So my mom happened to stop in just as I was swimming into my bench shirt (she has never seen me compete or even seen a bench shirt for that matter), Paul and I are struggling to get me in and she is talking while we are doing this.  Right in the middle of a sentence she stops and says  "Sarah, that shirt doesn't fit you properly!"   Oh frig, I laughed.  Best thing I've heard in a while.  And it wasn't even my tight shirt...

I have a big month of exciting stuff going on this month.  I am featured in POWER magazine, make sure to find your local Chapters and pick it up sometime after July 5th.  Or you can visit their website: and get your very own subscription.  (You won't get this months issue though).

Also, I have a part in a great Ebook which has just been released:  The Complete Guide to Powerlifting for Women.
Check it out here:

Some very experienced and amazing female powerlifters are featured in this ebook and I am super proud to be a part of it.

Be sure to pass it on!

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