Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bench Shirt work

Dynamic warm up

135 x6
175 x3
195 x1

Shirt on
235 x 2 board, x 1 board
265 x1- drilled it
285 x1- good
295 x1-good, but slow lock out

So, I am hitting good numbers in my old shirt which is very fantastic.  Touches are easier than my newer shirt.  Look forward to seeing what I can do at the Open.

Chins x 6 between everything totalling 42

DB Bench                       s.s.                  Side Bends
45lbs x 10                                               70lbs x 10/side
60lbs x 10                                                70lbs x 10/side
60lbs x 10                                                   "     x 8/side

                                     Dips x 10/set

My hands were mangled this whole session.  I wanted to get a couple more sets of chins in, but my hands wouldn't go for it.

Quote of the day:   So my mom happened to stop in just as I was swimming into my bench shirt (she has never seen me compete or even seen a bench shirt for that matter), Paul and I are struggling to get me in and she is talking while we are doing this.  Right in the middle of a sentence she stops and says  "Sarah, that shirt doesn't fit you properly!"   Oh frig, I laughed.  Best thing I've heard in a while.  And it wasn't even my tight shirt...

I have a big month of exciting stuff going on this month.  I am featured in POWER magazine, make sure to find your local Chapters and pick it up sometime after July 5th.  Or you can visit their website: and get your very own subscription.  (You won't get this months issue though).

Also, I have a part in a great Ebook which has just been released:  The Complete Guide to Powerlifting for Women.
Check it out here:

Some very experienced and amazing female powerlifters are featured in this ebook and I am super proud to be a part of it.

Be sure to pass it on!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunday Squat & DL

Bike in, pvc rolling, dynamic warm up

531 Squats
135 x5
190 x5
220 x5
245 x5

Took quite a few steps back in my percentages for my squats.  Last set felt good, definitely could have hammered out more but stuck to prescribed reps.

135 x5
225 x3
315 x1
Suit on
345 x1
355 x1
365 x1
375 x1

Basically this last rep looked similar to my last unequipped attempt in TO.

So I thought I would try out my suit with conventional stance just for an experiment. 
I had to hike it waaay up because it was really hard to get down to the bar the first couple of sets.  Apparently I am a bisexual dead lifter, as I cannot figure out which way I want to pull!  Next week, the suit goes on again, I work the same numbers but with sumo stance and see where I end up.  I have a feeling that sumo in the suit will go better, but I might stick to conventional for unequipped.  It's a good thing to be well- rounded right?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday night starring me, myself and I.

Cardio x 30 mins

531 Bench                          s.s        Face pulls 60lbs x 20 x 4 sets
125 x5
145 x5
165 x5
185 x6

Went for 7 on my last set, but couldn't finish it.  This is comparable to where I was before I quit 531-ing.  Thanks to Colin for coming in to hook a girl up with some lift outs.

DB military                           s.s                   DB rows
40lbs x 10                                                   65lbs x 10/arm
45lbs x 8 x 2 sets                                         65lbs x 12/arm x 2 sets

                      YTWL's between each set

Finished with 30 mins of cardio.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday is squat day

Biked into work, it was a little damp.  I'm doing my part :)
Dynamic warm up & pvc rolling.

DE Squats with green bands
225lbs x2 x 8 sets

Decided to start at 225, and then see how the first couple of sets felt, and then wave up if I needed to.  I didn't need to. 
My training is going to be mixed up a little between now and the Ottawa Open, which is July 16th.  My handler is away the next 2-3 weekends, so I am just trying to get some time in my equipment during the week in between his appointments, as I will be lifting equipped in 4 weeks.  Main thing is that I get it all in! 

SSB GM's                       s.s.               Decline sit ups
95lbs x 10 x 2 sets                                20lbs x 15 x 3 sets
105lbs x 10                                  

                    Leg Press
                    3 plates x 20 x 2 sets, x25 last set

I blasted myself on Tuesday, and I am mangled from the waist up.  It's funny because after a deload, and then not doing anything exceptional on Saturday, I obviously felt awesome so just blasted away.  Today I was a little more cautious.  The GM's felt good, but I stayed conservative.  I really thought about having just eaten a pizza pie and pushing out on my stomach.  This really helps.  Also, imagining I ate a pizza pie is fun too.

First ball hockey game in 3 weeks tonight....Should be interesting.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bench shirt action

30 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

135 x6
175 x3
195 x1
Shirt on (old shirt)
235 x2 board, x1 board
255 x1- little bouncy on the chest but good press
265 x1-solid
275 x1- drilled it

Chins between everything.  Total of 53.

Db Bench               s.s                 Side Bends
45 x10                                         70 x10/side x 3 sets
55 x10
60 x6, 40 x7
                                          Dips x 12, x12, x8

Rope push downs 60lbs x 12, 40lbs x 6

Holy shit, my arms were mangled after this sess.  Tried rolling out my IT's and some business management as usual, but could barely hold myself up.  Love it.

Toe is still not 100%, but I am getting chirped at the gym for not putting in any Prowler time, so I am going to give it a go tonight.  Should be good and sweaty.  And sticky.  What could be better? :)


Monday, June 20, 2011

T-Dot Invitational Super Show Re-cap

Well, it turned out to be one of those meets that personal satisfaction was just not met.  Did I win?  Yes.  Am I satisfied?  No. 

This by no means takes away from Trish who lifted amazing especially considering she had worked night shifts all week.  She is a great lifter and will be representing Team Canada with me at the Worlds in November.

Bottom line is that I missed numbers that I have hit in the gym.  BS!

No knee pain, which I am thankful for as the officials decided to remove the use of knee sleeves in the competition just before warm up.  This may have messed me up a little, as I was under the impression that they were permitted, so I had been training with them mainly for the purposes of keeping my knees warm and happy.  I think without them I sqatted TOO deep....Live and learn.

Although... this doesn't answer the question of what the hell happened to my bench and dead lift!!!!  Apparently conventional was the way to go as I missed my second DL attempt using sumo stance, and pulled it conventional on my last attempt.

Best lifts were:  Squat 303lbs (2nd attempt)
                        Bench 215lbs (2nd attempt)                        
                        DL 369lbs (3rd attempt) 
                        Wilks of 398.5.

Anyways, it was still a fun day and a great weekend of lifting.  Congrats to Paul for his 3-peat OSM title, and all the other guys who busted ass in the Ontario Strongest Man competition.  It's always interesting hanging out with a bunch of gorillas.

The only "classic" women lifters on Friday, Trish Ross-Boyle and I.

Back to the gym!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deload stinks!

Well, other than the usual cardio crap, I don't have much to post about.  It's amazing to think how boring my life would be without lifting!

I finally got my photos of Nationals from Wade MacDonald, so I decided I would post a few up.  Scary squat and dead lift faces to boot!

 375lbs opener

The "too low" touch 259lb opener.

                                 In the hole with 2nd attempt of 424lbs.

Taking a belly of air with 435lbs. 

I was kind of hoping to see if he got a shot of me with this lift in the bottom, as I got called on depth, but no such luck.  I will just have to do it again I suppose.

That's all for now.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday Squat & Bench

Bike in & Dynamic warm up with some PVC action

DE Squat Deload-no bands x 8 sets
185 x2, 195 x2, 205 x2, 215 x2 x 2 sets, 225 x2 x 2 sets

Started off at about 60% and just waved up, making sure both reps were still fast.  Knees felt good???  I like it!

135 x 8
185 x1
205 x1

Old used-up shirt on
235 x1 x 2 board, x1 x 1 board
255lbs x 1 -nice
265lbs x 1- good but slipped a little on chest pause
265lbs x 1- good

Decided to go back to the old shirt for a bit to keep the new shirt good and painful.  Also, with a meet on Friday I wanted to keep things fairly light.  I am pretty excited about this Toronto Pro show.  If they are going for the Arnold feel, it should be a really good atmosphere.  Very disappointed that my lifting will prevent me from seeing Ontario's Strongest Man competition...Especially because Paul is going for title #3! 
Hopefully I will catch some of it.  If not, worst case we meet up for a celebratory dinner!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday night DE Bench

30 mins on stupid bike

DE Bench with red bands
95 x3, 105 x3, 115 x3 x 6 sets

DB Rows                        s.s           Face Pulls
65lbs x 12/arm x 3 sets                    60lbs x 20 x 3 sets

Db Extensions
25lbs x 15
30lbs x 10 x 2 sets

Baddy-bing, baddy-bang.

Here is the last meet I competed unequipped, way back in 2009.  Paul kind of steals the spotlight with his DL....But I am definitely looking forward to putting some poundage on that total next weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday morning in the sweat factory

PVC rolling & Dynamic warm up
No AC means warm up doesn't take as long...there is always a positive side...

135 x6
185 x3
225 x2
275 x1
285 x1
305 x0-fell forward a bit, felt pain in my toe and I forgot to squat
275 x1

I'm sick of this toe bullshit.  It's cramping my style.

SSB GM's                     s.s                     KB Swings
95 x10                                                  53lbs x 20 x 3 sets
105 x10
115 x10

               Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 10

30 mins on the damn bike.  30 more tonight.  I miss the prowler :(

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday night, switching it up

Biked to and from the gym twice.  We have a scenic trail that connects us from town right to our place, so it is nice to not have to bike with traffic.  I think this should equal enough cardio.  My ass sure thinks so.  Toe is still on the mend, so walking was out of the question.  On my second trip home I had to make sure not to sing along with my tunes, as the bugs were discusting.  I had the day off, so I decided to train with the guys in the evening.  It was hot and smelly.  I will re-think this option next time...

Bench opener practice with commands               s.s       Chins
115 x5                                                                           x8, x6 sets of 6
135 x3
165 x2
195 x1 x 6 sets

All reps were smooth and fast. 

DE sumo DL's
225 x1 x 3 sets, 245x1 x 3 sets, 275 x1 x 2 sets

That is it for DL's until the comp.

Decline Sit ups                         s.s               Body Rows
25lbs behind head x 10                                 3 sets of 10
25lbs x12 x 2 sets

Counting down.  Squats tomorrow.  Also, looking forward to my toe getting better, as biking is definitely not my favourite thing.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday Training

60 min walk to work, with a detour & dynamic warm up

DE Squats with green bands x 8 sets
225 x3, 235 x3, 245 x2

Suit was a bit tighter today after the burger, fries, and 2 desserts that I was given permission to ingest last night.  Not too tight though, just right.   
I SMASHED my toe in the warm up and did something permanently bad,  not just one of those smashed toe things that go away by the next day or two.  But I went ahead and powered through that shit.  It's purple and bent looking today.  Not impressed.

135 x5
185 x2
205 x1

Shirt on
235 x 2 board, x 1 board
275 x 1 board
285 x 1
295 x 1
295 x1

First single was awesome.  Went up to 295 and it was a bit of a grinder, so instead of going up to 300, decided to drill it for another one.  Last one was better.

Now my question is, how in hell am I going to do 90 mins of cardio with a mangled toe?  Friiiiiigggg.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friday Night Weights

60 mins of cardio & dynamic warm up

DE Bench with red bands
110lbs x 3 x 9 sets

Face Pulls 50lbs x 20 x 3 sets
Pull Downs 90lbs x 12 x 3 sets
DB Extensions 25lbs x 12, x15 x 2 sets
Nothing too exciting.  But what IS exciting, is that tonight, I get my first "moderate" cheat meal in 4 weeks.  This folks is what I will be thinking about while I perform my 90mins of cardio today.  Such is life.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thursday + Awesome training day = Happy days!

Dynamic warm up + pain cave with the lax ball and sawed my hip with pvc

135 x5
185 x3
225 x2
275 x1
275 x1
275 x1
305 x1
275 x1
275 x1

Just practicing singles to get ready for the comp.  Felt good today, not too much knee pain, and no back pain which is comforting.  Until this sess, my thoughts on squat numbers were not completely 100% confident...Now I can't wait to JN the frig out of some squats in two weeks!

SSB GM's                  s.s.                 Front Squats (w ugly cleans)
105 x10                                             115lbs x 10
115 x10                                             135 x 10
125 x10                                             145 x10

Hanging Leg Raises x 10 x 3 sets

Threw in some front squats not because I was angry, just because I like them, and I didn't feel like loading the leg press...

30 mins cardio & ball hockey

DE Bench tonight.  Happy days!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday Training

Dynamic warm up

Bench                  s.s    Chins x8 x 5 sets
115 x5
140 x3
160 x2
185 x1
205 x1
215 x1
215 x1
215 x1-all paused reps
160 x 10

DL's Sumo stance
135 x5
225 x3
315 x1
345 x1
345 x1(conv)
365 x1

Well, it's decided.  The sumo went up and looked much better than the conventional.  So sumo it is.  I am looking forward to seeing what I can pull after a deload. 

Decline Sit ups                     s.s.               Pull Down abs
25lbs on chest x 15                                   90lbs x 5, 80lbs x 5
25lbs behind head x12                               80lbs x 10
x 2 sets                                                      x 2 sets

30 min walk outside, sweated my ass off but loving the sunshine these past few days.  What made it even better was the fact that an old lad that I trained way back in October was driving by, stopped his car, got out, and proceeded to give me $100 sponsor for my trip across seas.  Can't get much better than that!  Great thing about living in a smaller community.

Finished off the day pushing the prowler with some Parkies.  A couple of kids from Ireland are here for the summer working on a farm.  Couldn't understand a damn word they said.  No lie.  I am making it my goal to get them talking on video because you wouldn't believe it until you heard it.