Monday, May 30, 2011

Friday & Sunday night Training also Push/Pull recap

Sunday night

Dynamic warm up

DE Squats with green bands
225lbs x 2 x 8 sets

I have shrunk out of my suit a little, it is not helping me out as much.  Looking to keep good speed with every rep, so I lowered the weight from last week.

Bench            s.s             Face Pulls 60lbs x 15 x 3 sets
135 x6
175 x3
195 x1

Shirt on
235 x1 x2 board + 1 x 1 board
275 x 1- awesome
285 x1- awesomer
295 x1-awesomest

Apparently my shirt has finally got worked in enough, and my weight is just right.  This will go down in history as my best shirt session EVER. 


Saturday's UF Push/Pull

We had 16 lifters come out, and lots of PR's!  I was pumped to see our lifters smash weights. I want to thank the hard work of the volunteers, Rich, Peter, Colin, Bill the burger guy, Shane and Jayne.  I really appreciate the support from everyone that came out.  Great day.  Congrats to David and Hilda, and of course Jenn the bootcamp division winner (who left some in the tank).  Hard work pays off.


Friday night

DE Bench with red bands
105lbs x 3 with narrow, reg, and wide grips     s.s     Pull Aparts each set

Seated Rows                         s.s                            Side Bends
90lbs x12 x 2 sets                                                 65lbs x 12/side x 2 sets
90lbs x 10                                                             70lbs x 12/side

Pull Downs
80lbs x 15
90lbs x 15 x 2 sets


Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday Training

Dynamic warm up

135 x5
185 x3
205 x2
235 x1
270 x1
305 x1
305 x1
305 x1

Working on taking some heavy singles to prep for the next meet.  This will be a good second attempt weight.  With the increased cardio, I find my TFL is getting fired up again.  Good thing the IPF approved rehbands in the raw category.  Phew!

Rack Pulls
275 x1
315 x3
385 x2
385 x1
385 x1

I wanted triples, but they just wouldn't work.  Caving big time.  No time for accessories today, had a hair appointment.  Fembot style.  I will throw in some extra work with my DE Bench tonight.

And if you haven't seen Fubar II, you must.  It is ridiculous, but packed full of some good one-liners.  This scene made me laugh uncontrollably.  No nuts helps Deaner hit those high notes.  Kind of like choir singing before puberty kicks in.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunday & Tuesday training

15 mins on tread & dynamic warm up

ME Bench w Swiss Bar
bar x 10
95 x5
115 x3
135 x1
155 x1
165 x1
175 x1
190 x0-frig
135 x8

My last single was out of the groove, I think I brought it down too low on my chest.  It's hard to tell with the Swiss bar because it's so wonky.  Whatever the case, it didn't work.

5/3/1 DL Conventional
135 x5
225 x3
255 x5
290 x3
325 x5

Happy with how my DL's went today.  Few technical things to work on, but getting better.
Here's a vid shout out to my sponsor!

Weighted sit ups               s.s.               Ab roller
20lbs x 15                                            x15
25lbs x 10                                            x10

Had to cut it short, as I had to go relieve a "sick" employee.  Will catch up on my cardio tonight on the prowler track!          


30 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

DE Squats with Green bands in suit
255lbs x 2 x 8 sets

Bench           s.s.              Face Pulls 50lbs x 20 x 3 sets
135 x6
175 x3
195 x1

Shirt on
235 x 1 x 2 board, x1 x 1 board
265 x1 -good touch but bounced a little on my chest on the pause
275 x1 -good touch, uneven press
285 x1 -solid
285 x1-AWESOME

We finally got the shirt up where it is supposed to be, and it made a huge difference when I was bringing the weight down to my chest.  My right arm was hurtin' real bad because it is slightly bigger than my left, but I powered through that shit...trying not to cry.  Haha.

Finished my 30 mins of cardio.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday night with a Uf Member guest appearance

30 mins cardio outside with the fresh scent of lilacs!

Dynamic warm up

BB Military Deload            s.s          Face Pulls 70lbs x 15 x 4 sets
65 x5
75 x5
85 x5

Split Jerk practice just for fun.  Worked up to some triples with 115lbs.  I think that I like the O lifts for the speed factor.  And obviously the challenge.

DB Rows 55lbs x 15/arm x 3 sets         s.s          DB rear raises 10lbs x 12, x12, x10

Dips x 10 x 3 sets

Today (Sat) I walked to work (32 mins).  Loving the smells of summer.  Had to carry my backpack with my food and water for the day, and boy does it make a big difference to add a little weight for the walk. 

Worked on Bench and Deads with the Bootcamp girls this morning.  Just practiced technical stuff and they did really well.  And I think they enjoyed it to boot. 
Hopefully I will see them at the Push/Pull next Saturday SMASHING some weights! 


Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday Squats

Dynamic warm up

531 Squat
135 x8
235 x5
265 x3
295 x1
295 x1
295 x1
225 x10

GM's w SSB                                           Lunges
105 x10 x 3 sets                                      75lbs x 9/leg
                                                               75lbs x 8/leg x 2 sets

Pull Down Abs
80lbs x 12
90lbs x 10
90lbs x 8

30 mins cardio

Great training tune....frigged up video.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I like big butts

Dynamic warm up & lots of business management

ME Bench with Swiss bar                   s.s    Chins x 6 x 5 sets
95 x5
110 x3
130 x2
165 x1 x 6 sets
95 x 15

Rack Pulls
225 x5
315 x5
380 x3
380 x3
380 x3

Hanging Leg Raises x 10 x 3 sets

GHR Band Sit ups x 15 x 3 sets

Finished the day with 5 prowler trips.

Shake that healthy butt.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday Squat & Bench

30 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

DE Deload Squat
185lbs x2 x 8 sets

135 x5
185 x2
205 x1

Shirt on
245 x2 x 2 board
275 x1 x1 board
285 x1- low touch, awesome press
285 x0- not sure what happened
285 x1- good touch, grinder press

Finished with 30 mins cardio.

4 weeks + deload week until go time.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thursday and Friday training

Friday night sess
30 mins stairclimber AM
30  mins tread PM
Dynamic warm up and mashed up my upper back and scaps with the lacrosse ball

BB Military 531
65 x8
95 x5
110 x3
120 x6

These felt pretty good.  I have to practice breathing with the weight at the top.  Paul made fun of me because my last two look like Savickas pressing.  I think that's pretty damn cool, but I guess it doesn't really help with improving my overhead strength...

DB Rows                    s.s                  YTWL's
70lbs x 12/arm                                    5lbs x 10 way x 2 sets
70lbs x 10/ arm x 2 sets

                Dips x10, x12, x12

Ok Friday night sess.  Getting the work in.

Here is the link to the blog of our photographer that gave us a huge shout out.
Check it:

Paul & Sarah – Ultimate Fitness Photography – Ottawa


Thursday, May 12th

30 mins cardio outside!  Dynamic warm up

531 Squats
135 x5
220 x3
250 x3
280 x3

I had an evil troll in my right knee.  I had to wear my knee sleeves to help me get through.  The squats didn't feel too bad, but I was definitely compensating for the right knee.  I think the suit did some damage to my IT band, because it wasn't happy all week.
No back pain though...Yippy!

GM's with SSB                         s.s               Russian Twists 35lbs x 30 x 3 sets
95lbs x 10 x 2 sets
105lbs x 10

                                    KB Swings 53lbs x 20 x 3 sets

Back felt pretty decent.  Overall good sess.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Bench and Deads

30 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

ME Bench
Working up to 1RM on the swiss bar
(not sure how much the bar weighs, but we guessed about 90lbs....I just pretended that it weighed 45lbs to keep my numbers straight, and basically so I don't confuse myself).
Bar x 10
95lbs x 5
115lbs x 3
135lbs x 1
155lbs x 1
165lbs x 1
175lbs x 1                               s.s  Chins x 6 reps x 7 sets
185lbs x 1
195lbs x 0

531 DL's (Conventional)     s.s       Pull Aparts x 20 x 3 sets
135 x5
240 x3
270 x3
305 x5

Really happy with my dead lifts.  No major back issues, other than the usual everyday feeling of stiffness.  Also, conventional is starting to feel pretty comfortable....There might be a conversion in progress???

Decline Sit ups                  s.s                         Ab roller
30lbs x 12 x 3sets                                           x15 x 3 sets

Prowler tonight....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday Suited Squats

Dynamic warm up

135 x8
185 x5
225 x4
 Suit on after about 10 mins of struggling...
315 x2
355 x2
375 x1
395 x1- this one was finally closest to depth
405lbs x 1- wraps on
405lbs x 1-wraps
405lbs x 1-wraps

Basically I wanted to get in the tight suit and work with the wraps, as I don't do that very often.
It took about 20 mins to take this suit off, and it was NOT pleasant.  My legs were purple and tingly, and super mangled.
Raw lifting is becoming more and more tempting all the time...

Bottom line is that I drilled some solid squats after a 4 hour sleep kind of night. 
I'm happy with that.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday night Military

60 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

531 Military              s.s        Pull Aparts x 20/set
65 x8
90 x3
105 x3
115 x7

Military went pretty well.  Lower extremities are mangled from lunging yesterday.  I am walking like I was on a 2 day horseback riding expedition.  Having a cold seems to be hindering my recovery big time.

Pull Downs               s.s             Dips x 10 x 3 sets
80lbs x 15
90lbs x 15
90lbs x 12

3 way shoulders 5lbs x 10/way, 10lbs x 10/way x 2 sets
Booked my tickets to Prague...Super excited!

Also excited about a road tour to Kingston tonight with the girls.  Been a while!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Squats and a mangled back

20 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

531 Squats              s.s    Body Rows x 10
135 x5
205 x5
235 x5
265 x6

3 steps back with my squat numbers.  Also, I am trying out squatting without my knee sleeves to prep for the next meet.  It's definitely a naked feeling, and I half expected knee pain, but it wasn't too bad.  Although, my back got fired up big time.  Scratched the GM's and Leg Press, because I knew that they wouldn't fly.

Band GM's x 3 sets of 15       s.s           Lunges 75lbs x 9/leg x 3 sets

Box Jumps x 3 each set

When my back gets fired up I get angry.  And when I get angry I do some front squats.
115lbs x 10 x 3 sets

After this I couldn't bend.  Basically wanted to take myself out back and end the misery...

The chiro had his work cut out for him that's for sure.  His evaluation proved that my spine had movement to the left, but not even budge to the right.  After treatment I felt like a million bucks.  He absolutely hammered my psoas.  Not pleasant.  We also determined that it might possibly be the way I am sleeping that is causing the tightness, and then training obviously gets it fired up more.  So, I will be trying some different sleeping positions and see how that goes.  Finished the day with a game of ball hockey.  My back didn't like running, but it's great to be back with the girls!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Topless Tuesday

Haha, it wasn't really Topless Tuesday.  That was just a door crasher.

30 mins on tread & dynamic warm up & dance party (had the gym to myself)

ME Bench  Work up to 1RM         s.s    Chins x 5 x 7 sets
115 x5
140 x3
160 x2
185 x1
210 x1
220 x1
235 x1 -PR
240 x 0- booo. 
I can blame my coach on that one, he wanted me to take a record on the record board.  Next time.
Here is my vid for the 235.  It was a quick touch with a little bit of a bounce, and a little greasy.  Actually, the 240 felt better going down for the touch, but I just couldn't press it.

Conventional Rack Pulls
225 x5
315 x5
375 x3
375 x3
375 x3

Brutal.  As usual.  I think that I should be using more weight considering that I can pull this weight from the floor, but until I get better at these I will continue to very slowly wave up the weight.  The third rep is where I usually feel my arch collapse.

Weighted Decline Sit ups              s.s             Ab roller
30lbs x12                                                      x20
     "                                                               x15
    "  x10 + 10 BW                                           x15

Finished my day with 30 mins on the stairclimber after work.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Training

Dynamic warm up

DE Squat in suit w Green bands
265lbs x 2 x 8 sets

Bench              s.s           Face Pulls 70lbs x 15 x 3 sets
135 x6
175 x3
195 x1

Shirt on
245 x1 x 1 board
275 x 1 x 1 board
295 x 1 - bit of a grinder but better than last week
285 x 1 -bit low on chest
285 x1 - solid touch, solid press


Friday night sess

BB Military 531         ss         YTWL's
65 x8
85 x5
95 x5
110 x6

Didn't go all out with my last set, stopped at 6 when it started to slow down.

DB Rows                                  ss            DB Power cleans
75lbs 10/arm x 3 sets                                15lbs x 15 x 3 sets

Close Grip Pull downs
80lbs x 15
90lbs x 12 x 2 sets

Finished with a couple sets of Rope Push downs.

Here is a great tune with a pretty crazy looking party video.  Setting the tone for some solid makeout sessions...
