Feb 28/12
Squat w suit, no wraps
135 x6
185 x3
225 x3
275 x1
Old suit on
315 x4 not quite deep enough
325 x4
335 x4
325 x4
325 x4
My old suit is hilarious. Paul calls it my singlet...He actually said, "no wonder you used to squat like a smeagol." Nice.
2ct pause DL
135 x4
225 x4
245 x4
255 x4
245 x4
255 x4
These are brutal but much needed. I can see how they will help my pull.
Snatch grip SLDL
135 x8
155 x8
185 x8
175 x8
180 x8
Weighted decline sit ups 3 x10, Chins 3 x5
Squat + DL + DL= Sarah getting out of the car like an old lady
Feb 25/12
135 x6
185 x3
225 x3
275 x2
Suit on
335 x2
385 x1 wraps on
405 x1
435 x1
445 x1
455 x1
By the last squat I could not think of anything else other than the painful state of my legs under my suit. I am still too fat for my suit. Ouchy.
135 x5
165 x3
195 x1
Old shirt on
245 x2 x 1.5 board
265 x1
275 x1
135 x5
225 x3
275 x1
Suit on
315 x1
365 x1
385 x1
400 x1- first 400lbs gym DL for me
390 x1
I was super duper grizzled from Thursday's training. Squats went pretty well. My last rep was the first suited squat that I have had to work for in a while.
Bench was somewhat sub-par. Deadlifts felt awesome.
Leaving for the Arnolds tomorrow morning. Looking forward to training at the Dogg house powerlifting gym. Much, much better option than the shitshow otherwise known as Metrofitness.
Also looking forward to seeing BOTH of my coaches perform this weekend. Both of them are going to TEAR IT UP!!!
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