20 mins cardio & dynamic warm up
531 Squat
135 x5
185 x5
230 x3
260 x3
295 x4
Squats felt pretty good. Number 4 was kind of out of the groove, so I shut it down. Apparently I could have gotten one more...
Conventional Rack Pulls
225 x5
315 x5
365 x3
375 x3
375 x3
Dirty, dirty, DIRTY rack pulls. I forgot how much I loathe them. But that means I have to do 'em!
Lunges s.s Russian Twists s.s GHR's
75lbs x 8/leg 25lbs x 30 x15
75lbs x 9/leg " x 40 x15
" " x 40 x12
Clean to Front squats 125lbs x 10, 145lbs x 10, 145lbs x 7
Finished with 40 mins on tread. Looking forward to a bit of a long weekend, catch up on some sleep. Going to fire up some BB Military tomorrow, hopefully with the never boring company of a certain UF member. Exciting stuff.
Also, other exciting news....
In December, Paul and I got some professional photographs done in a studio. There were two girls taking pictures like crazy, and we had lots to pick from. I finally picked the final choices up on Tuesday. They look AWESOME! To boot, both photographers said that I had inspired them to hire a personal trainer, and make some life style changes. This was so great to hear! One of them has lost 12 lbs, and she now has a "line" on her arms, which she is super pumped about. Anyways, I just thought I would share that. Always a great feeling when you make a difference in someones life in that fashion.
Here's are a couple samples:
If you are near the Ottawa area, check them out. They do amazing work.
Studio G.R. Martin. Website: http://www.martinphotography.ca/
Now for the Metallica choice of the day. Another top 5 for me.
I'm out!
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