Thursday, April 28, 2011


30 mins tread & dynamic warm up

531 Squat
135 x5
185 x5
245 x5
280 x3
310 x1

Well, it seems that my squatting numbers are on the decline...Workload is up, and I think I might have too much going on.  Time to reassess.  Obviously cutting back on my pulling frequency will help. 

115 x 10 x 3 sets

Leg Press              s.s.         Side Bends  65lbs x 12/side x 3 sets
3 plates/side x 20
4 plates/side x 20
4 plates/side x 20

Feeling frustrated with lack of good numbers these days.  I suppose there is always ups and downs.  I much prefer ups.
In other news, ball hockey starts tonight....That should be interesting as I have not ran since our Christmas staff flag football game...And before that was last ball hockey season...Oh boy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bench and DL's

30 mins of cardio & dynamic warm up

ME Bench
115 x5
140 x3
160 x2                               s.s  Chin ups x5 each set (x50 total)
185 x1
210 x1 x 6 sets

531 DL (Conventional)
135 x5
220 x5
255 x5
290 x5

Band GHR sit ups                     s.s                Pull Down Abs
x15 + 5 bw                                                    70lbs x12 x 3 sets
x10 + 5 bw
x12 + 8 bw

Finished with 30 mins on Tread.

Sent out my entry for the Toronto Invitational meet in June.  I decided that I would compete in the "classic" for a change.  With Paul competing himself I won't have my usual trusty handler, so lifting sans equipment is the way to go.  Still looking for a will be an easy job...I usually have cookies on hand, just to sweeten the deal :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easters training

Walk to the gym, dynamic warm up and lots of managing of my business

DE Squats in suit
255lbs + green bands
x2 x 8 sets

Bench          s.s       Face Pulls
135 x5
155 x3
185 x1

shirt on
235 x2 off two board
275 x1 off one board
295 x0- frig
295 x1 with help
295 x1 with help

Ok, so apparently my triceps were not prepared for the newly added military press on Friday, as they were of no help today.  None.  And they are still grizzled!   Hopefully this will get better with time, or I might have to rethink things...Other than the squats feeling pretty awesome, the bench training sucked and basically all I got out of it was a face full of blown blood vessels which is always attractive.

Slowing things down a little...this song almost brings a tear to my eye.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday underground sess

Walked to the gym & dynamic warm up

BB Military working up to 1RM
95 x6
105 x5
115 x3
125 x1
135 x1
145 x0- bad positioning
140 x1- solid

I will use this for a 531 cycle and see how it goes. 

Blast strap Push ups         s.s         DB rows                          s.s      Seated Rows
x15 x 3 sets                                 65lbs x 15/arm x 3 sets               90lbs x 15 x2 sets
                                                                                                     90lbs x 12

DB Extensions Drop set  35lbs x 8, 25lbs x 8, 15 lbs x 10

Finished with 3 trips pushing the prowler.   Blasted. 

Metallica choice for the day:

Pure friggin' awesomeness.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Squats, Rack pulls, and other fun stuff

20  mins cardio & dynamic warm up

531 Squat
135 x5
185 x5
230 x3
260 x3
295 x4

Squats felt pretty good.  Number 4 was kind of out of the groove, so I shut it down.  Apparently I could have gotten one more...

Conventional Rack Pulls
225 x5
315 x5
365 x3
375 x3
375 x3

Dirty, dirty, DIRTY rack pulls.  I forgot how much I loathe them.  But that means I have to do 'em!

Lunges                       s.s          Russian Twists             s.s    GHR's
75lbs x 8/leg                              25lbs x 30                              x15
75lbs x 9/leg                               " x 40                                    x15
        "                                         " x 40                                   x12

Clean to Front squats 125lbs x 10, 145lbs x 10, 145lbs x 7

Finished with 40 mins on tread.  Looking forward to a bit of a long weekend, catch up on some sleep.  Going to fire up some BB Military tomorrow, hopefully with the never boring company of a certain UF member.  Exciting stuff. 
Also, other exciting news....
In December, Paul and I got some professional photographs done in a studio.  There were two girls taking pictures like crazy, and we had lots to pick from.  I finally picked the final choices up on Tuesday.  They look AWESOME!  To boot, both photographers said that I had inspired them to hire a personal trainer, and make some life style changes.  This was so great to hear!  One of them has lost 12 lbs, and she now has a "line" on her arms, which she is super pumped about.  Anyways, I just thought I would share that.  Always a great feeling when you make a difference in someones life in that fashion.
Here's are a couple samples:

If you are near the Ottawa area, check them out.  They do amazing work.
Studio G.R. Martin.  Website:

Now for the Metallica choice of the day.  Another top 5 for me.

I'm out!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ME Bench

Dynamic warm up

ME Bench- working up to a clean 1RM       s.s    Pull Aparts x 20
135 x5
155 x2
180 x1
200 x1
210 x1
220 x1
225 x1
230 x1- PR

I will now use this for a ME cycle.  Trying some heavy singles for a few weeks, as apposed to the usual rep fest with 5/3/1.

Dead lift Suit work (sumo stance)
135 x8
225 x4
315 x1
Suit on
365 x1
375 x1
385 x1

All singles felt good, weight felt easy.  When I hit the suit legs it slows me down.  I have to find a solution for this as it is really starting to piss me off. 

Chins                 s.s                 Banded GHR sit ups     s.s           Rear Delt Raises
x9                                                x15 +5                                    10lbs x 15 x 3 sets 
x9                                                  "
x9                                                   "
One of my Metallica top 5...



Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday Training

20 mins on tread & dynamic warm up

DE Squats w Green bands and suit
245lbs x 2 x 8 sets

These went well.  Good speed and depth.

Bench               s.s          Face pulls 70lbs x 20 x 3 sets
135 x8
185 x3
205 x1

Shirt on
235 x2 off 2 board
275 x1 off 1 board
290 x 0- bad lift off and too low
290 x 1 still low but good press
290 x 1 - good lift, half way up went kind of wonky, but corrected no problem.

My bench for reps contest got cancelled, but I was kind of curious to see what I could do...
So 17 was the final answer.  Being after the shirt work it may be a little short of what I could have done fresh, but who knows.

In other news our basement flooded.  Looks like we are looking at some upcoming reno's....But thank GOD the drums were saved!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

What you know about conventional DL's?

Dynamic Warm up

5/3/1 Squats
135 x8
215 x5
245 x5
280 x6

One better than last week. 

Work up to a 1RM on DL's with a conventional stance
135 x5
225 x3
315 x1
345 x1
365 x1-felt better than previous weight
375 x1- pretty solid

Pretty happy with that considering it is the same weight I opened with at a suit.  Going to work this stance for a couple of 531 waves.

Lunges                  s.s          Weighted Sit ups on floor
70lbs x 10/ leg                       20lbs behind head x 20
x 3 sets                                  "
                                              " x 15 + 10 bw

             Back Extensions
       Black band x 15 x 3 sets

Walked to the chiro, walked back.  Rocked some J LO. 
Mediocre squats, solid pulls today.....  Going to be mangled tomorrow!
Bench for reps contest on Saturday...135 x any guesses?  Keeping in mind I have never done this before...


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Upper Tuesday

30 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

5/3/1 Bench                      s.s   YTL's x 4 sets
135 x 8
155 x3
175 x3
195 x4-didn't want to go balls out because there was shirt work to follow.

Shirt on
235 x 2 off two board
275 x 1 off one board
285 x 1- low touch, really tough press
285 x 1- still low, but better press

Chins                    s.s             Pull down abs
x8                                          70lbs x 12 x 4 sets

Drop set of Close Grip Pull downs:  80lbs x 10, 60lbs x 8, 40 lbs x 10

Off to work I go...
For those of you that haven't seen my Nationals vid, I will repost just for you!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quick Friday sess

60 mins on tread & dynamic warm up

DB Military                  s.s                    DB rows
30lbs x 8                                              65lbs x 12/arm x 3 sets
40lbs x 8
50lbs x 8
55lbs x 6

Band GM's x 15 x 3 sets       s.s          Hanging Leg raises x 10 x 3 sets

                          Reverse Hypers x 15 with no weight

Had a promotional thing to attend to, so I didn't have too much time.  Basically I just wanted to get some extra work in.  Also, my back is double mangled, so I wanted to get moving with some easy stuff and do some stretching to help recovery.  Man, do I ever have a pansey-ass back! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bench and Rack Pulls

Well, it is always humbling to come back to the gym after a deload and some time off....I feel like I got hit by a truck.  Ugly dead lifts mean a goddamn sore back, which means lots of foam rolling this morning and a chiro visit!

30 mins on tread & dynamic warm up

5/3/1 Bench                 s.s           Face Pulls 60lbs x 20 x 4 sets
125 x 8
145 x5
165 x5
185 x6

Bench felt not too bad, was hoping for 8, but couldn't quite lock out 7.  Right arm failed.  Booo.

Rack Pulls (Conventional stance)                 s.s                 Dips
225 x 5                                                                            x15
275 x 5                                                                             x15
315 x 5                                                                             x12
365 x 3 (belt on)
365 x 3  (belt on)

Yeah, so the mid back that got mangled from Tues wasn't much help today!  Round back Ronnie Rack Pulls big time.

Chins                               s.s.                    Side Bends
x5                                                            60lbs x 10/side
x5                                                            65lbs x 10/side
x5                                                            65lbs x 10/side

Was hoping to get more sets of chins in, but had to get to the chiro office.  Also, did some chins yesterday for a news crew...cold no warm up.  No big deal....


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Squattin' and Pullin'

Dynamic Warm up, still really stiff and unmobile.
Box Jumps

5/3/1 Squats            s.s               Pull Aparts & Mt. Climbers
135 x 8
215 x 5
245 x 5
280 x 5

Prescribed reps today, and nothing more to give.

5/3/1 DL's
135 x 8
245 x 5
285 x 5
320 x 4 (Brutal.  Should have smashed 10 for pete's sakes)
Added 3 more singles with rests between just to redeem myself, and get some work in with good form .

Lunges                         s.s           Decline Sit ups               s.s                  GHR's
60lbs x 10/leg                              x 30 x 3 sets                                        x15 x 3 sets
x 3 sets

Well, training sucked the BIG ONE today.  That means it can only get better!

Bench and Rack Pulls on Thursday. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Post Nationals Sunday Training

Walk to the gym, dynamic warm up
I haven't "moved" since Wednesday...this reminds me of what people who don't exercise feel like.  Horrible.

DE Squats with Green bands- no suit
135lbs x 3 x 8 sets

Bench                                s.s                   Face Pulls
135 x 6                                                      50lbs x 30 x 3 sets
175 x 3
195 x 2

New Shirt ON
245lbs x 2 off 2 board
275lbs x 1 off 1 board
285lbs x 1- little low
295lbs x 1- little low, but better press

Good Lord the shirt was tight.  Even sprayed it down with water. Touches were just below the IPF symbol, but the presses were solid.  Great to be back!

Nationals Re-cap

Back to the grind. 

We had a great time in PEI.  Tom, Jason, Heather and all of their helpers put on a fantastic National meet.  Everything was super organized, on time, and it seemed like they thought of every last detail.  The Rodd Royalty was a great venue, and the rooms were really nice.  I didn't get a chance to try out the water slide though...

Lifting at 5pm in the afternoon was different to say the least.  Although it did give me a chance to watch Jayne Major SMASH some new P.R.'s and take home the gold, it still seemed like the longest day in history.

Weighed in at 69.7kg, well under my weight class cut off.
Warm up room was well equipped, with lots of racks and plates and a live feed from the platform.

Squat attempts:  180kg (396lbs)- 3 whites, drilled it
                         192.5kg (424lbs)- 2 whites- Competition PR
                         197.5kg (440lbs)- 2 reds for depth, but drilled it!

Bench attempts:  117.5kg (260lbs)- 2 reds, low touch
                          117.5kg  (same)-3 whites
                          122.5kg (270lbs)- 3 whites

DL attempts:  170 kg (375lbs)- 3 whites
                      182.5 kg (403lbs)- no lift
                      182.5 kg- no lift

Total: 485 kg (1069lbs)
Wilks: 483.93
Best Open Female Lifter award

Obviously the squats went well, aside from the last attempt.  Despite getting red lighted, I am still super excited that I squatted my last attempt, and really well to boot!  Little more depth and 200kgs is on the horizon.  This time around, the bench press went fairly well.  Thanks to Mark Giffin for some behind the scenes help.  Also, I really focused on being confident, and visualizing smashing some bench presses all week.  I think it really paid off.  Extremely happy that I didn't have to rely on a last attempt for a total!   Disappointed with my DL, I thought for sure that it was going up this meet.
Drilling my last squat and DL would have gotten me my 500 wilks...So close!  Next time for sure. 
So, bottom line is that Ultimate Fitness came out with 3 gold metals at the Nationals this year.  Congrats to Ellynne, a training client of Paul's who won her weight class in the Bench only on Tuesday, and of course Jayne won her weight class as well. 
We must be doing something right!  It must be the coaching :)
Back to the gym, time to get stronger.  And get rid of some celebratory weight gain...

Me and my Best Lifter trophy...Oh ya, and the Confederation Bridge.
