Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last weeks training and St. Catharines visit

Sept 27/11- St. Catharines YMCA

135 x5
185 x3
235 x2 x 2 sets
265 x2 x 2 sets
300 x 1 (miss on double)
300 x1

I knew my last set was going to be tough, but my first single felt good, and I thought I was going to get my second..but no go.  Took it again for another single after a short break and it was even better than the first.  Disappointed that I didn't make the double, but happy with the way the singles felt...Especially after driving and not doing anything for two days.  Warm up felt pretty shitty...goddamn knee pain until the 4th set.

Conv. DL's
135 x5
225 x3
320 x2 x 5 sets

Dead lifts felt good better in the later sets.

DB side bends 65lbs x 10/side x 2 sets

Ate breaky and drove to the Falls...First time seeing them, and was it ever pretty awesome!   Glad we took the time to go.

Sept 25/11

Bench                s.s         Pull aparts x 20 x 3 sets
135 x5
165 x3
185 x1
Shirt on
245 x1 board x 2 board
265 x1
275 x1-slow to lock out
275 x1-not bad, high touch
275 x1-good touch, good press

DB Military             s.s                 Pull Downs
40lbs x 10                                    100lbs x 12
45lbs x 10 x 2 sets                             "    x 15 x 2 sets

Rear delt raises 8lbs x 12, x15, x12

Sept 23/11

135 x5
185 x3
225 x3

Tried to get my squat suit  Not happening.  Defaulted to the old Metal suit which is pretty much a singlet...
315 x2
Wraps on
365 x2
395 x1
405 x1

I am not too impressed about not fitting in my usual suit, but blasting some decent squats in the old suit made me happy.

225 x3
315 x1
Suit on
365 x1 x 3 sets


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