Sunday, July 31, 2011

Friday and Sunday long weekend training

Before I get into training talk, I want to say THANK YOU again to everyone that came out the the fundraiser Dragonfly Golf Links and played golf on behalf of my trip to Prague.  I ended up totalling $2500 of funds raised which is absolutely excellent!!
I appreciate every single person that gave up their long weekend Saturday afternoon for a cause.  Thanks so much.

Sunday morning

Bike to gym & dynamic warm up

DE Squats with light bands
135 x2 x 2 sets
185 x2 x 2 sets
205 x2 x 2 sets
215 x2 x2 sets

Rack Pulls with Orange EFS bands
135 x2
225 x2 x 6 sets

First time doing these.  Started out tough, until I got the feel for them.  The left side was a little heavier, assuming that the bands are still new and maybe not equal.  Also, the first couple of sets felt like my calves and my hamstrings were going to blow right out.  The last few sets felt good though.  I need to decrease time between reps for the next session.  These will be great for my lock out which seems to give me trouble.
Shirts off Sundays!  Just need some sunglasses and a push up bra to complete the look...Inside joke.


Friday night training.  All by my lonesome.

Dynamic warm up

531 BB Military          s.s          DB rows
65 x8                                          60lbs x12/arm
95 x3                                          "
105 x3                                        65lbs x 10/arm
120 x3                                        65lbs x 12/arm
Drop set 95 x10

DB Extensions                 s.s             Face Pulls
25lbs x 12                                          60lbs x 15 x 4 sets
30lbs x8                                            
30lbs x 10

Threw in some band shoulder stretching between sets.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday morning mangle-fest

Dynamic warm up & PVC rolling

Sqwats    s.s      my first 3 sets with 3 x 3 box jumps
135 x8
215 x2
215 x2
245 x2
245 x2
275 x2
275 x2

SSB GM's                s.s                     Decline Sit ups
115lbs x 10 x 3 sets                          25lbs x 12 x 3 sets

Lunges 65lbs x 9/leg x 2 sets      

Finished with 20 mins on bike.  Ball hockey tonight.  I will be mangled tomorrow big time.

Looking forward to the golf tourney on Saturday...Should be a really fun time with really fun people!

No knee pain and squats felt pretty good... so how about we celebrate with some classic PR!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday's Gone

Dynamic warm up & mobility work

2 Board Press w bands
95lbs x 5
115lbs x 5
135lbs x 5 x 5 sets

s.s  Chins x 7 sets for total of 47

DB Bench                    s.s               Seated Rows
50lbs x 10                                       90lbs x 12 x 3 sets
60lbs x 10
65lbs x 7 or 8?

Side Bends 65lbs x 10/side x 3 sets

A video older than me!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Training at Gymnase Maxi Forme

I lucked out with a really awesome gym this time!  It was big, lots of space to do a good warm up, had a sweet red rack and power bar with lots of benches and dumbells.  I didn't see anything ridiculous, just the usual Cpt. Upperbody's doing their things.  I didn't quite have a plan of what to do, and I also didn't know what to expect as far as equipment went.  My legs and back were still SUPER mangled from Thursdays training so I opted for a quick upper body session.

BB Military                 s.s       DB Rows 60lbs x 12/arm x 4 sets
65 x 5
95 x5
105 x5
115 x5
115 x5

Dips (On a sweet dip bench!)    s.s         Machine Rows
x12                                                          70lbs x 15
x10                                                           85lbs x 15
x12                                                           100 x 12

Hanging leg raises x10 x 3 sets

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday Hyperhydrosis

Dynamic warm up

135 x5
200 x 2 x 2 sets
230 x 2 x 2 sets
260 x 2 x 2 sets

SSB Gm's          s.s        Decline Sit ups
95 x 10                           20lbs x 12
115 x 10                         x 3 sets
x 2 sets

Lunges 60lbs x 9/leg x 2 sets

Finished with 4 prowler trips.

Immediately after training I helped Paul out with his hockey training group...What an experience.  Taught a guy how to dead lift by giving 4 cues...arms straight, arch, weight on the heels, stand up tall.  Perfect reps on his first set.  Amazing.  He is property of Tampa Bay Lightning, but has some major growing to do.  Love training athletes that want to smash weights!

Heading to another of Paul's competitions this weekend, thanks to my wonderful employees for covering :)  I will more than likely have some great gym stories by the end of the weekend. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday night sweat fest

Dynamic warm up (short)

2 board press working up to 3 rep max            s.s.          Face Pulls 60lbs x 20 x 4 sets
135 x5
185 x3
205 x3
215 x3
215 x3
215 x3

Chins x 6 x 3 sets       s.s.       DB Incline 45lbs x 10, 55lbs x 8 x 2 sets

Pull Downs 70lbs x 12 x 2 sets

This was a quick end of the day sess, because that was how it had to be.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Ottawa Open Re-cap

I always enjoy the Ottawa Open because we have a strong Ultimate Fitness presence with both lifters and fans, and the atmosphere is always welcoming.

Weighed in at 71.1 kg which is a little fatter than I have been in previous meets.  No weight, salt, or water cutting which made it very stress-free.

I wasn't completely confident going into this meet, as I hadn't spent much time in my squat suit and wraps since March, and my dead lift seemed to be going backwards....

Despite the lack of confidence, I ended up with PR's in all three lifts, with my biggest total and wilks to boot.  Highlights being that I got 3 white lights on my bench opener for the first time since I lifted raw, and I FINALLY pulled my 400lb dead lift which was a huge monkey off my back.
I just missed the overall Best lifter Award by 6 wilks points, which turned out to be a really cool Samurai sword!  So, instead I settled for the Best Female Lifter plaque.
Huge thanks to Dane, Shane, David, Taylor (emergency cookie go-to guy), and obviously the best handler ever, Paul for making sure everything went smoothly. 
Also, congrats to other UF lifters Jayne, Tracey, Rebecca, Ellynne for great showings.  Shelly will get it next time.
Anyways, here is the vid you can check it out yourself!


The Nordik was a saviour after a battle with a 200kg squat that's for sure!  That squat felt a lot longer and excruciating in real time...


And other exciting news for today includes getting out of contest drug tested this morning which was really cool!  I feel super important.... This is definitely the big time boys!


Friday, July 15, 2011

I survived Bootcamp last night!

Since I wasn't training, I decided to join in on one of our Bootcamp classes as it was perfect WOD for me being a couple days away from a competition.

We did an AMRAP in 20 mins of:

Prowler push down and back
10 push ups
10 sit ups

I am pretty sure we got either 4 or 5 rounds in of this.

Finished with some planks and leg raises.

Just a perfect work out for getting a sweat on but not leaving me mangled for today.

Looking forward to smashing some weights tomorrow!  And of course the Nordic afterwards :)


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last training session for the week

Dynamic warm up & pvc rolling

Got myself my own little metal pipe that pretty much puts me into the pain cave immediately.  It is great for mashing the area around my knees.

531 Squat                 s.s             pull aparts x 20/set
135 x8
220 x5
245 x3
275 x1- prescribed reps

531 Bench             s.s        Body rows x 12/set
135 x5
165 x5
185 x3
210 x1-prescribed reps

30 mins cardio.  Inside is cooler than outside, believe it or not.  Watched a good Look-a-like episode where they transformed a girl to look like Kerri Russell.  She is so cute!  Felicity was a staple for me in college, mainly because when we plugged the TV into the wall, we got one channel (CTV) without paying for it.  Melrose Place and Felicity were on endlessly.  So that's what we watched.

I dig the odd rap tune. Here's another one.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Training

Sunday aft.

DE Squats + purple and black bands (can't get the green ones on myself), no suit
135 x2 x 2 sets
155 x2 x 2 sets
165 x2 x 2 sets
185 x2
205 x2

Goddamn knee pain during squatting is really getting on my nerves.  Feeling pain in the bottom=loosening in the bottom.  My last two sets were angry sets, and they were much better. 

DE DL's in suit
245 x1 x 2 sets
275 x1 x 2 sets
315 x1
325 x1
335 x1
345 x1

I got my straps taken in so I wanted to test it out before this weekend.  I think this will help me out quite a bit compared to before.
Friday night

This was supposed to be 531 night, but something came up, got started a little too late, and apparently everyone was already on the patio's by bench time.  No hand outs so I just worked up to what I could handle myself.

135 x5                               s.s.           Face Pulls 50lbs x 20 x 4 sets
155 x5
165 x5
175 x5

DB Military                 s.s                       Pull Downs
40lbs x 10                                               80 lbs x 15 x 3 sets
45lbs x 8
45lbs x 8
                                   YTWL's  each set

Finished with Push up death x 40 reps
And cardio.

Being the only person training on a Friday night means blasting the tunes big time.  This is one of my favourites right now:


Friday, July 8, 2011

Sausage suit and knee wrap refresher

Bike in & dynamic warm up

135 x6
225 x3
265 x1

Suit on
Straps down 315 x 1
365 x1 -straps up
385 x1 -straps up
405 x0 - no wraps
415 x 1-grinder, wraps on
405 x 1 wraps on
405 x 1 wraps on

It's been a long while since I have had the sausage suit and wraps on.  It takes a few reps to get things feeling proper.  The first couple were slow, but the last one was solid.

Back Extensions with black band x 15 x 3sets


KB swings 53lbs x 20 x 3 sets

Biked home.

Outside cardio is definitely not as fun these days, as the deer fly's are unreal.  Although it does ensure that my pace is quick...On the plus side, with indoor cardio I have been KILLING IT on Jeopardy this week as it is "Kids Week."  No shame here.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bench opener practice

40 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

Bench                  s.s           Face Pulls 50lbs x 15 x 3 sets
135 x8
175 x3
195 x1                
Shirt on
235 x1 board x 2 board
265 x1
265 x1
265 x1

Chins                 s.s             DB bench
x10                                     50lbs x10
x8                                       60lbs x8
x7                                       60lbs x 10
x7                                        60lbs x 8

Ab wheel after each set x15, x12, x15

Prowler action tonight


Monday, July 4, 2011

Thursday and the Amos experience

Amos gym (Sante et forme)
Gym was closed Friday for Canada Day, so I just shortened things up and combined my weekend training.

531 Squats
135 x8
205 x3
235 x3
260 x5

I was going to do prescribed reps, but I had an audience so I did a couple extra.  And then I did some down sets...
205 x10, 135 x20

531 Bench
135 x5
155 x3
175 x3
195 x3
135 x 12

Once I got to my 3rd set, I was looking around for a hand out, but quickly sent Paul a text asking when he was done breakfast because everyone in the gym was either a gym-douche or an old person.  He confirmed this when he eventually arrived.

GM's (with a two gorilla hand out because there was a dude in the squat rack not squatting-Thanks to Karl and Paul for this)
95lbs x 10
115lbs x 10
135lbs x 10


DB rows
62.5lbs (haha) x 10/arm
x 3 sets

Hanging leg raises             s.s          SUPER Decline Sit ups
x10, x8, x8                                        25lbs behind head x 15 x 3 sets

Did 60 mins of cardio every day :)
Good weekend, and some good laughs.  Worked on my french and it sucks big time, but I still managed to make some French gorilla friends.  Congrats to Paul for a big win!

Old person doing the YMCA with a 3lb DB while balancing on some balloons = Not safe!

Last Thursday training:
Walk to gym & dynamic warm up

DE Squats w suit and green bands
225lbs x 2 x 8 sets

DL's sumo stance
135 x 5
225 x3
315 x1
suit on
345 x1
365 x1
385 x1
395 x0
395 x1 -hitch

So, my DL suit needs to be taken in apparently.  I wasn't getting any help from it as the straps are too long.  Priority for this week.