Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday Marathon Sess

DE Squat With Metal Suit & Green bands
245lbs x 2 x 8 sets

Took a few sets to get the groove, but ended up with some good, smooth sets.

135 x 5                   
175 x 3
205 x 1

New shirt on (first time wearing)  Really, really tight.
235 x2 x3 board (no belt)
255 x2 x2 board (no belt)
265 x 1 x1 board (no belt)
265 x 1 no touch (belt on)
285 x 1 no touch (belt on)

 The 285 was no touch, but FLEW up.  Weight felt managable, but as I was taking it down it just kept creeping towards my belly.

Old shirt on
260lbs x1, loooow touch but good press
260lbs x 1, awesome press

Started warming up with some weight for DL's, and basically shut it down because my back is friggin messed up.  I need to get fixed up big time.  I also need to get my weight down so my equipment fits better.

Cardio and recovery today, DL's and more benching on Tuesday.

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