Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend Training

Equipment day Sunday

DE Squats with Green bands
255lbs x 2 x 4 sets
I decided that I need to get into my wraps and feel heavier weight more often, so we decided to work up the last few sets.
255lbs x 2, 275lbs x 2, 295lbs x 2 x 2 sets

The last two sets felt the best.  The first rep especially.  Heavier weight makes it easier to sit back into my tightass suit.

Bench work up
135 x 10
185 x 3
215 x 1

New shirt on
235 x 2 off 2 board
255 x 2 off 1 board
285 x 1 no board (no touch)
300 x 1
300 x 1

Yes....You see right.  300 club biatches! 

Not beautiful reps, but the weight felt managable, and despite it still being tough to get a touch, I pressed them well.  The second rep went really low and would have probably been red lights, but I still pressed it up, surprisingly.  I will continue to work this shirt, but still spend time in the old shirt in prep for the Nationals.


Friday night sess...

30 mins of tread & dynamic warm up, YTWL's

DE Bench with red bands
110lbs x 3 x 9 sets (3 reg grip, 3 wide, 3 narrow)

DB Military               s.s                 DB Rows
50lbs x 8                                        65lbs x 15/arm
50lbs x 9                                        70lbs x 15/arm
50lbs x 9                                        "        x 12/arm

Seated Rows
90lbs x 15 x 3 sets

DB Extensions drop set...30lbs x 12, 20lbs x 8, 10lbs x 15

After this I had trouble writing in my training log, but I managed to get two rows in...Elbows were NOT happy after the second one, and demanded drugs immediately.

250m Row 45.7
250m Row 46.6

Pure pain after second row.  Unfuckingbelievable.  Sorry for the swears.
Then I finished my cardio.

Friday, February 25, 2011

5/3/1 Squat Deload and lower stuff

30 mins on tread, foam rolling & dynamic warm up

5/3/1 Squat Deload
135 x5
165 x5
195 x5

Box Jumps 3 sets of 4 to 31.5"
Took an attempt at 33", got the first one, didn't staple the last two.

GM's with SSB                             Walking DB Lunges
50lbs + bar x10 x3 sets                  75lbs x 9/leg
                                                     75lbs x 10/leg x 2 sets

GM's always blast me.  First time lunging with 75's.  Catching up to you David!!!

Pull Down Abs                               Hanging Leg Raises
120lbs x 15                                     3 sets of 10
"          x 12 x 2 sets

Finisher:  Leg Press 4 plates/side x 50 reps.  This took me pretty much the length of one whole song to do...
This one to be exact:

And I don't know anything about video games, but this one looks REALLY intense.

Finished with 30 mins on tread and some major stretching, hips have been super tight lately. Overall this was a really good sess.  Sweated buckets, and thought maybe I should actually deload as it was an actual deload week, but it's REALLY hard for me not to kill accessories when things are feeling good. Something to work on for the future. It's amazing how Dr. Shawn can pin-point exactly what I trained an hour before going to see him...He found a spot in the middle of my thoracic spine and said "that's a weird spot for you to be tight..." and I said, yep, that would be from the GM's I did before coming here....
Chiro's don't like good mornings.

DE Bench tonight, hockey tomorrow.  


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bench Deload & DL's

5/3/1 Bench Deload week
135 x 5 x 3 sets

Pull Aparts x 25/set

DL's (From Sunday)
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
Suit & belt
365 x 1 x 3 sets

Dead lifts felt better today mainly because I didn't squat and bench first...obviously.
I am thinking about switching them to this day.  Wanted to get in the suit and just get some lifts in. 

Chins x10, x9, x10    Dips x12, x15, x12    Side Bends 70lbs x10, x10, x12/side

Decline Sit ups x 50

This sess got cut short to 3 sets of accessories instead of the planned 4, and also just blasted 1 straight set of sit ups to finish things off.  Had to deal with a customer, and then boot it to an appointment.  One downside of training in the gym you own...Customers come first. 

Cardio today, Squats tomorrow.  Hooray!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday Marathon Sess

DE Squat With Metal Suit & Green bands
245lbs x 2 x 8 sets

Took a few sets to get the groove, but ended up with some good, smooth sets.

135 x 5                   
175 x 3
205 x 1

New shirt on (first time wearing)  Really, really tight.
235 x2 x3 board (no belt)
255 x2 x2 board (no belt)
265 x 1 x1 board (no belt)
265 x 1 no touch (belt on)
285 x 1 no touch (belt on)

 The 285 was no touch, but FLEW up.  Weight felt managable, but as I was taking it down it just kept creeping towards my belly.

Old shirt on
260lbs x1, loooow touch but good press
260lbs x 1, awesome press

Started warming up with some weight for DL's, and basically shut it down because my back is friggin messed up.  I need to get fixed up big time.  I also need to get my weight down so my equipment fits better.

Cardio and recovery today, DL's and more benching on Tuesday.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday night sess

30 mins cardio & dynamic warm up

DB Incline      s.s        DB Rows
45lbs x 12                   65lbs x 12/arm
50lbs x 12                    "
55lbs x 10                    "      x 15/arm

YTWL's x 10/ way per set

Body Rows      s.s    Close Grip Pull Downs
x15                            80lbs x 12
x10                             "       x 10
x12                             70lbs x 15

3 way shoulders x 10/way per set

Shoulders felt tight throughout this session, and overall just super mangled this week.  Upper and lower back are messed up, although pressing felt pretty good.  I had no idea where I was with my incline, as it's been a long while since I have done them.  Chose to do incline mainly because of my low back  prob not wanting to help me out with any overhead pressing.  Next week I will throw in a DE bench with bands, and alternate weekly.

Finished with 30 mins of cardio.  And some doorway stretching...

"Haven't you ever heard of the @#*%! doorway stretch?"  -Will Albert

Cardio today, and a 4 hour 3 lift sess on Sunday.


Friday, February 18, 2011

5/3/1 Squat, DL's for reps, and lower accessories

30 mins on tread & dynamic warm  up

5/3/1 Squats          s.s      Pull aparts x 20 each set
135x 8
225x 5
240x 5
275x 3
305x 3 + 1 fail

Last set went REALLY well.  JNI approved.  Again, had the camera ready to get some, but the batteries were dead...I have to get this camera shit sorted out.  I got in trouble from my coach for the failed rep, but #3 felt better than the 2nd rep, so I decided to go for it.  I think my right leg worked, but my left leg decided to stop working, and that obviously doesn't produce a good squat rep.  Next time for sure.

DL's for reps     s.s    Box Jumps  3 sets of 3 to a 31.5 " box
225 x10
255 x 10
255 x 10

I am getting better with the touch and go on these reps.  Focusing on staying tight and not bouncing the weight.

Got a last minute chiro appointment, so I had to postpone my accessories until later.  Dr. Shawn had his work cut out for him, that's for sure!

Finished work at 8pm...Time to finish things off....

Dynamic warm up

DB Walking Lunges  s.s  Pull Down Abs
70lbs x 9/leg                    70lbs x 15
70lbs x 10/leg                   80lbs x 10
70lbs x 10/leg                   70lbs x 12 

Rower 250m .....45.1

I haven't rowed in MONTHS.  It really fires up my elbows, and I also hate it.  A lot. 
I am going to try to get more rowing in as the prowler has not been in action due to snow, and I have slacked on my conditioning.  Next time, 250m x 2, I promise.

Finished with 30 mins on the tread.   Justin Bieber on CSI!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5/3/1 Bench, Pulling and Abs

30 mins on tread & dynamic warm up

5/3/1 Bench   
135 x8
160 x5
180 x3
200 x5

Full intention of getting a video of my top set, and thought that I did buuut card full.  Next time!
So, instead I got a vid of my chins.  This allows me to go on a chin up rant!  Chins, for me, are the # 1 reason why I think my bench keeps getting better all the time.  Strong back means strong bench, among other things.  A good foundation to support the weight you are pressing.  Also, I feel that they contribute to a powerful grip.  That's it.  Simple but that's the way I like it.

Chins         S.S           DB Extensions        and      Face Pulls 60lbs x 20 x 4 sets
x10                             25lbs x 15
x7                               30lbs x 12
x7                               30lbs x 13
43 reps

First set is always the best...

When I perform my chins, I always try to get in more reps then my last session.  If that means doing extra sets, so be it.  Sometimes I use weight if they are feeling good, and my body weight is low...  I also superset all of my accessories.  Always.

Weighted Decline Sit ups     S.S.      Ab Roller
25lbs behind head x 20                     x15, x20, x20
x 3 sets

I haven't done the ab roller in a will remind me of that tomorrow I am sure!

Finished with 100 Pull Aparts, 30 mins on tread, stretching and foam rolling.

Overall good sess, elbows acted up mainly because I rushed my warm up.  My own fault.  I think the combo of chins and extensions doesn't make them happy either.

BUT, what makes me happy is a new 0 cal product that a little bird told me about!  I am always looking for things to add to my very boring diet.  Splenda has come out with some coffee flavour packs...French Vanilla and Hazlenut.  I added a hazelnut to my morning coffee/protein shake this morning and mmmmmn mmmmn good! 

Today cardio, Thursday is Squat/DL day.  Squat day is always my favourite day of the week.  Unless it's my birthday...and both on one day would be fantastic.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I have a blog!

Feb 13/11-  DE Squat, Shirt Bench, 5/3/1 DL Day

What a great way to kick off a training week...Had a pretty rough week previous so this session required a ripped freak, also I knew I had lots of housework to do after training...

This was my first 3 lift session, as I had decided post Provincials that I must address the fact that in competition I really screw up my bench press.  Hopefully smashing some bench post squatting will help to sort that out.

DE Squat, Green bands in Metal suit 235lbs x 2 x 8 sets
-This was the first time working with bands since Christmas Eve...It took a few sets to get in the groove.  Also, I am not skinny Barb these days, so it was a tad tight.  As was my low back...Powered through and each set got better.

Shirt Bench
135 x 5, 165 x 3, 195 x 2
Shirt on 235 x 2 off two board, 245 x 1, low touch, 255 x 1, 255 x 1 by far the best rep of the day
-Again, being non skinny Barb, the shirt was tighter than usual.

5/3/1 DLs 
225 x5
240 x5
275 x5
310 x5
-I went into this knowing that I was only going to hit prescribed reps.  Focused on good form and speed off of the floor.  Did some low back stretching between sets which helped temporarily.  This training day will toughen me up big time.

Finished with 60 mins of cardio.  I decided that I actually look forward to my cardio sessions because I can watch television and listen to cheesey music totally undisturbed.
Cardio day tomorrow, and upper day on Tuesday.  Can't wait!