Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday down to business

Dynamic warm up

531 Bench               s.s            Face Pulls 50lbs x 20 x 4 sets
125 x5
145 x3
165 x3
185 x3 (prescribed)
205 x1
210 x1
215 x1

DB Incline                   s.s  Chins x 6 sets....45 total
50lbs x 10
55lbs x10
55lbs x 8

Pull Down Abs
90lbs x 8
80lbs x 10
80lbs x 12

Good session today.  Counted 10 weeks out from Worlds.  Wow, time flies. 
Trained in the shirt Friday and dead lifted Sunday, just got behind on my posts. 
Sunday I missed some lifts and wanted to drive my truck off of a cliff...Decided instead to kill it in the gym yesterday.  Positive thinking from here on in, no mental clutter. 


"Your body listens to what your mind tells it.  If you are thinking about all the things that could go wrong, you are making it more likely that things will go wrong."
Jason Selk, 10-minute Toughness

Excellent book.  I recommend it to any athlete that wants to improve their mental game.


Strong and confident.

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