Monday, November 12, 2012

Worlds write up


What a better way to bring back the blog, then giving a full summary of our amazing trip to Puerto Rico for the IPF World Powerlifting Championships!  No guarantees that I will keep this going, but I figure it is a good way to fill everyone in without having to repeat it a million and one times.

First of all, there were major mess ups with the hotel bookings.  The venue was not at a hotel, so either way we had to drive about 10 mins to the venue or take the shuttle.  Thank God Ryan and Rhaea let us tag along in there rental car, what a life saver!  Our rooms were not booked at the chosen hotel in advance by the organizers, so they scrambled to get us into another hotel, which turned out to be pretty sketch.  I think it might have been nice about 10 years ago, but they hadn't done any updates to the rooms, and they weren't very clean.  My bed sheet had a big rip in it, and the screens didn't close tight. After seeing the big ass tarantula down by the pool, I slept in a full jogging suit with sheets pulled right up to my nose, and stayed that way.  All night.  Ask Paul.

Anyways, there were some issues with our accomodations, and breakfast was also a problem, but we made things work and enjoyed ourselves with what we had.  The weather was HOT.  We sweated constantly while locals were walking around in jeans and jackets.  There were local elections going on as well, which made for some entertainment, excitement and lots of loudness.  In combination with the roosters of course.

Now for the compeition....My weight was bang on, although I did notice an increase due to salt intake, which was really hard to battle, as we couldn't cook ourselves, and there weren't too many "healthy" options.

The morning of the comp was interesting.  I was told that I shouldn't be allowed to lift due to my equipment being "dirty" at equipment check.  My squat and DL suits had some baby powder and probably chalk on them, but I guess I was supposed to come with them washed.  She let it slide this time, but now I know for next time.

Warm ups went fast.  It was a pretty small room with lots of people, and it was quite friggin hot, so not alot of warm up stuff needed.  I was amazed at how easy my shoulders got under the bar when I started my squats!

The goal for Worlds this year was to get all of my lifts.  Joel convinced me to go super light on the opening squat to get a feel for what the judges were looking for.  This worked well as I drilled it with ease.  2nd was the same, and my last squat attempt made me work, but I defintely had more there.  This helped to save some gas for the deadlift.

Benching went well.  It was tough to get the shirt just right, as I was sweating my ass off, and the shirt just kind of stuck to me.  We found a great groove for 1st and 2nd lifts, but something went a little off on my 3rd and it flew out of control over my face.  This has happened before and I wish I knew what to do so it doesn't happen again!  It was kind of a piss off too because I have done that weight many times before, and things were going well.

We were very conservative with my DL attempts so that I could go for a competition PR on my last attempt.  Joel got me fired up and as soon as I started pulling I knew it was going to go.  I had pulled it in the gym before, but after the rush of the Worlds competition it was pretty awesome to finish on that note.

I will have to say that getting 3 whites on my first squat was a great feeling, but getting 3 whites on my first bench was such a relief it is hard to describe.  From then on I knew I was going to have a great compeition.  Smooth sailing.

So, by the end of the day I finished with a 515kg total, and a 507.98 wilks, which wasn't my best performance, but I lifted strong and confident which was what I was there to do.

All of the other Canadians lifted well.  I know Mary was happy with her lifts, and even though Rhaea had a big weight cut, she can still pull off a great day of lifting despite the circumstances.  Paul and I had a great time hanging out with the Stinn's, even despite losing my sunglasses after getting smacked in the head by a big ass wave.  RIP my favourite white sunglasses :(

The banquet was not open bar as it was last year, and it didn't even have a bar!  Joel got a bottle of wine from the restaurant Quebec style, and we hit up the dance floor with our version of salsa dancing with some Costa Ricans.  After the banquet fizzled, we found some Norway friends in the hotel casino, and ended up doing shots of vodka, and tequilla, and tried to get some of their lifting secrets, with no avail.  What a great bunch though!  Probably my favourite part of the whole experience, other than the lifting of course!  The whole experience of being surrounded by the best of the best is so amazing.  Everyone wants the same thing, and they all know what it takes to get there.  I will admit that I took many notes as to what the Russians ate and drank.  They keep to themselves so it is pretty tough.  I will been known as the Russian wannabe!

Very happy to announce that I got an invite to lift at the World Games in Columbia this coming July, which is a huge honour considering it is the highest level of powerlifting in the WORLD.  The best lifters from the World Championships all at one competition!!  Unfortunately we just can't afford to be away from the business for any more long trips this year, so hopefully in 4 years I will get this opportunity again.  And hopefully by then I will be even more experienced and stronger too!

Looking forward to getting back to lifting this week, and building some more strength for next year.

Friday, July 6, 2012

I squatted. And I feel great!!!

Business management included some lacrosse balling in my chest and shoulders, pvc rolling, super couch x 2min/side, Shoulder band circuit, calf self mashing & stretch.  Complete with a really short dynamic warm up.

Squat- 135 x5, 225 x4, 245 x4, 255 x4, 245 x4, 255 x4

Easing back into it.  I haven't had knee pain in 3 weeks, wondering how long it will take until it comes back with a vengeance....

2 ct pause DL- 135 x5, 225 x2,  255 x2, 245 x2, 255 x2

Back felt a little tight and somewhat weak on the deadlifts.

Pendlay row- 95 x6, 125 x6 x 3 sets

Holy frig it felt good to squat despite it feeling a little slowwwww.  Quick session with no extras as we are working hard to get our new location in Arnprior up and running. 

The new location is going to be AWESOME.  The first couple of weeks will be very transitional as those damn electricians are taking their sweet ass time so we are kind of waiting on them to get things into place.  Paul is competing this weekend in Warwick at a North American competition which I am very disappointed that I cannot attend, obviously due to the amount of SHIT that needs to get DONE.
Opening day is Monday.  Should prove to be an interesting weekend.

Such is life.

Friday, June 15, 2012

This week will mark 2 full weeks of no deadlifting or squatting.  Just as I suspected, my arse cheeks have been sore for the last two weeks.  Split squats really stink, but hopefully they help me out in the long run.  I miss squatting :(

I will not bore you with my sets and reps of lunges, chest supported rows and split squats.  Just be sure I am doing lots of them.  And did I mention pressing?

In other news, I had the opportunity to speak at the Athletics banquet at my old high school.  Yes, I was previously an Opeongo Wildcat.  How eery it was to walk down the halls of my old stompin' grounds, and to see 3 of my previous teachers - All of which probably never in a million years thought they would see me public speaking about competing at the World level!!  My gym teacher made me sit on the wall as punishment for goofing off too many times to count.  Ah, the good old days.

Anyways, other than a few slide show technicalities, and only saying "um or uh" about 47 times, it went a LOT better than I thought.  The students listened really well, and they were super impressed when I told them about the amazing feats of strength I saw at the Worlds last November.  I stressed the importance of strength  training for sports, and the sacrifices needed to be the best.   

Here is a picture from my slide show:

Hopefully I inspired even one of them.

Monday, June 4, 2012

TO Super show & a step back to make 2 steps forward

What a crazy weekend in Toronto with flooding and tragic public shootings.

In the meantime, and on a better note, UF was kicking ass at the Super show!

Paul came out on top at the Invitational Strongman competition.  It was a little hairy for a bit, as his competitors are getting better all the time.  Good thing he is too.

For us powerlifters, we all lifted really well and won best club.  I don't remember everyone's numbers, but I think we all are pretty happy with our results.  I do know that Shelby got a PR competition bench, and Dane got a PR in his squat.

I didn't get any footage of my lifts unfortunately, as Paul was busy getting ready to compete, (or should I say busy flirting with the Inside Fitness girls...), but was successful 8 out of 9 lifts only missing my last bench attempt of 220lbs.  Super long pause on the chest humbles me quite a bit.
Otherwise, I finished my squat with 320lbs with some room, benched 214lbs, and DL'ed 380lbs.  The squat is a PR, and the DL is also a PR, especially pulling conventional.
Pretty happy with my lifts, mainly wanted to be conservative and go 9 for 9, but fell a little short unfortunately.

I  have been advised to take some time from double leg squatting and heavy pulling for at least 4 weeks to get my pelvis back in line.  I am willing to take this time in hopes that bigger and better things will come.  I'm basically training with the emergency brake on, so hopefully once I focus on getting things straightened out my lifts will progress that much more.

Although, honestly not looking forward to many training days of split squats and lunges....I will be walking funny for sure.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Doin' it.

I cannot remember what my warm up and business management consisted of, but it is usually about 30 mins total.  Sometimes more depending on how grizzled I am.

May 8/12

Squat + avg bands
135 x3, 155 x3, 175 x3, 170 x3

2 ct pause bench
135 x5, 165 x3, 175 x3, 180 x3, 185 x3, 180 x3

Bench felt super fly today.  Looking forward to seeing the final product.

Deadlift + mini
135 x3, 225 x3, 245 x3, 265 x3, 275 x3, 270 x3

Pull downs 2 x10

May 7/12

135 x6 225 x3, 275 x3, added belt 305 x3, 295 x3, 305 x3

SSB Squat
135 x5, 185 x3, 215 x3, 205 x3

Front squat
95 x5, 135 x5, 155 x5, 165 x5, 175 x5, 165 x5

May 6/12

Dynamic warm up, mostly upper

250m row- 50.5
This was my first row in over a year!

2 way shoulders x 10/way
Chins x5
Pull down abs x10
x 3 rounds

Row 250m- 49.6

Seated rows x12
DB curls
x 3 rounds

Prowler sprints x 4

This is an effort to hit some neglected muscles and to get in some conditioning for two reasons. 
1. Ball hockey was a rude awakening as my lungs sucked the big one. 
    They burned  like fire.
2.  Since I have been training the 3 lifts only, I have noticed that I have lost my arm definition a little bit.  This helps me sell personal training so I need to stay on top of that now that it's tank top season.  On a side note, my legs have definitely grown from all of the squats though!  (didn't think they could get much bigger, but apparently the possibilities are endless)

I have never made curls part of my usual routine, and man oh man were my biceps sore the next day!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Training this week

May 4/12- Band shoulder stretching, lots of lacrosse balling, reverse ballerina x 2 mins/side, couch x 2 mins, smashed my front delts w barbell ouch.

Floor Press
135 x5, 175 x2, 180 x2, 170 x2, 175 x2, 180 x2

Pin Press
135 x4, 165 x2, 170 x2, 175 x2, 165 x2

JM press
85 x6, 95 x6, 105 x6, 95 x6, 100 x6

May 3/12- Frog w band x 2mins, couch x 2 mins, roll upper back and legs w pvc & lacrosse ball, stretch calves, bottom squat w band x 3mins + short dynamic warm up

Squat w belt
135 x5, 185 x3, 225 x3, 265 x3, 275 x3, 265 x3, 270 x3

2 ct pause DL
135 x4, 225 x3, 255 x2, 265 x2, 275 x2, 265 x2

Snatch grip SLDL
135 x6, 185 x6, 195 x6, 200 x6, 185 x6

Face pulls, Ab roller, rear delt fly's 3 x10

May 1/12- lacrosse ball chest and back, shoulder band circuit, couch x 2 mins, reverse ballerina x 2 mins/side + short dynamic warm up

Compeition pause bench
135x3, 155 x3, 175 x3, 180 x3, 175 x3, 180 x3

Bench + 90mm (red bands)
95 x3, 115 x3, 115 x3, 125 x3, 130 x3, 120 x3

Floor Press
135 x8, 145 x8, 135 x8...triceps not working anymore.

Chins 4 x6 reps, Ext. rotations 3 x10, DB rows 3 x10, Side bends 3 x10

Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30th training

Yeowww.  It seems everytime I make a post in my blog I am apologizing for not making posts....Well, I am going to try to keep a flow going for at least a week!

I have been working on lots of hip/adductor stretching and trying to get rid of my douchebag shoulders.  One of my fav Mwods is a couch stretch, super frog with plate, and squat opener stretch.  I am also digging the bottom squat, find it gets my knees all stretched out and prepped for some squattin.

Conventional Deadlift
135 x6
225 x3
275 x3
295 x3
305 x3
295 x3

Hopefully with some more work I can get this puppy back up to par.

SSB squat
135 x5
185 x4
205 x4
195 x4

95 x6
125 x6
135 x6
145 x6
130 x6

Weighted sit ups and pull downs to finish.

Until next time....