Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Training this week

Yep, I have been slacking.  Been trying to fight off a head cold, but I feel like a Katy Perry song throughout the  No where near the severity of the Czech cold so I am happy about that!

135 x5
185 x3
225 x3
275 x1
Suit on 335 x2
Wraps on 385 x2
405 x2
395 x2

Squats went pretty well.  Working in a new suit (that I got last summer heehee......) and I still haven't gotten it adjusted quite right.  A little more tightness in the hips and it should be good to go.  My back was super grizzled from the noodle-back rack pulls I did on Sunday but still functional.

2 board (light touch)
135 x5
185 x4
205 x4
195 x4
200 x4 x 2 sets

Close grip 3 board
165 x7
185 x7
195 x7
190 x7

Chins, Face pulls and Pull downs

Sunday @ Heritage Fitness

Rack Pulls (which actually turned into Deadlifts off boxes because none of the racks set up low enough)
135 x5
225 x3
275 x2
315 x1
345 x1
355 x1
345 x1
345 x1

These were hard and I stink at them.  Big time noodle back.  Felt reallllly slow off the boxes.  You will never hear me brag about how much I can rack pull that's for sure.  But while I was doing these sets, a man went up to Paul and asked him if I was his daughter....This made my day!!
Also, if anyone has an opinion on whether there is a difference between rack pulls, and deadlifts off boxes, please share.  I think there is.  It might be a small difference, but there is one I'm sure of it.

Half board press
135 x5
185 x2
205 x1
215 x1
205 x1
210 x1

135 x5
185 x5
225 x5
245 x5
It was at this set that a member from the gym informed me that Heritage Fitness does not allow chalk...Good thing I was almost done haha suckers!
255 x5
245 x5

These felt pretty good.  Apparently I was finishing with all back, so these might have also contributed to my grizzled state.

Finished with some random fun rowing machines, chest supported row, funny single arm cable jobber machine, etc.


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