Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tues and Thursday training

So, after getting back on Saturday night, I decided to go to the gym on Sunday to basically just move around and get loosened up after all of the traveling we did.  I did 3 rounds of a barbell complex with push ups, and woke up on Monday feeling like I had the most intense training session ever!  Triceps and ass just grizzled.  While away we got to the gym twice, but I guess it just wasn't enough.
Feels good to be back! (Maybe not so much for my ass and hamstrings!)


Dynamic warm up and business management

Conventional Deadlift
135 x5
225 x3
275 x1
300 x 3
290 x3 x 6 sets

3ct pause Bench
135 x5
170 x3
160 x3 x 6 sets

45lbs x 6leg
50lbs x 6/leg
60lbs x 6/leg x 2 sets

10 mins stretching and more business management.


Dynamic warm up and business management

135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x3
240 x 3
235 x3 x 9 sets

135 x5
170 x3
165 x 3 x8 sets

DB extensions
20lbs x 8
25lbs x8 x 2 sets
20lbs x 8


Side lying rotations 3 x 10

Peterson step ups x 15/leg x 2 sets

Single leg RDL 20lbs x10/leg
                        25lbs x 10/leg

Decline weighted sit ups 20lbs x 10 x 2 sets  
DB rows 60lbs x 10/arm
              65lbs x 10/arm 


Here is a card I got from a client.  It definitely made my day.

Damn right.

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