Dynamic warm up
DE Squat in suit w Green bands
265lbs x 2 x 8 sets
Bench s.s Face Pulls 70lbs x 15 x 3 sets
135 x6
175 x3
195 x1
Shirt on
245 x1 x 1 board
275 x 1 x 1 board
295 x 1 - bit of a grinder but better than last week
285 x 1 -bit low on chest
285 x1 - solid touch, solid press
Friday night sess
BB Military 531 ss YTWL's
65 x8
85 x5
95 x5
110 x6
Didn't go all out with my last set, stopped at 6 when it started to slow down.
DB Rows ss DB Power cleans
75lbs 10/arm x 3 sets 15lbs x 15 x 3 sets
Close Grip Pull downs
80lbs x 15
90lbs x 12 x 2 sets
Finished with a couple sets of Rope Push downs.
Here is a great tune with a pretty crazy looking party video. Setting the tone for some solid makeout sessions...
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